Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Surprise of a Lifetime!

Some of you know that I have been conspiring with my sister and cousin Monica to come back to the State and surprise my Dad at his retirement party. It was the hardest secret I have ever tried to keep with my family constantly asking when I would be coming home for the past several months. It wasn't too bad till I actually had my tickets in hand and then I had to lie to my parents. Even though it was only on the phone and 20,000 miles away, I still quivered every time I fibbed about looking at tickets, etc. But, the look on their faces was worth it. They of course were crying and Mom saw me first. She smacked my Dad upside the arm and said "It's Alison. She's Here!" Dad was too busy chewing out the host for allowing any kind of surprise to realize what was really going on... then he conceded that this surprise was okay and gave me a big hug when Mom finally let go. :) It was so great! The party was an absolute riot with many speakers who told some outlandish stories about my father past present and future. I was laughing so hard most of the time it was hard to catch the next joke! The speakers ran an hour long and in their jokes was woven some of the biggest compliments and credit to my Dad. He has been a huge part of the Credit Union movement in the city, state and even in the country with annual visits to Washington DC for lobbying our senators and congressmen for the past decade and a half. It really was a great evening. I got to see lots of people I haven't seen in years and catch up with everyone as well.

So being on American soil? So strange to walk through crowded streets or areas and hear all of these silly American accents. I have to keep reminding myself that I am IN AMERICA now so everyone SHOULD sound American for the most part. Riding in a car on the right hand side of the road has been quite the experience as well. But I am quickly finding my comfort zone again. The stop over in Honolulu was perfect. I got to spend two very warm sunny days with my friend Nicole and her partner and we had a great time.
I have pretty toes and we had lots of laughs. I could have stood to be there longer, but the humidity was a little much for my nine months of winter body to adjust to. Oh well, it was great anyway. :) The stopover there really breaks up the trip and makes traveling so far soooo much easier! Landing in Seattle Sunday evening, Monica kindly picked me up and whisked me up to Bothell to spend the night before hitting the road to Spokane. I got to see Lena in the morning and Nora for the first time. What little dolls. I told Monica she isn't playing fair because her kids are just to darn irresistible. We made a short drive over to Spokane and the retirement party began that evening.

I spent the next several days lounging with my parents and sister and relaxing in the warm sunny fall weather. I got caught up on the family happenings and played catch with the dogs for hours. Nanette has a new pup named Buddy and he is relentless about playing and playing and playing... I went to see Grandma and Grandpa a few times and they seemed to be in really good spirits. It was really great to catch up with everyone and just kick back and relax. We did go out to dinner at a new Mexican restaurant in Airway Heights... YYUUUUMMMMMMMYYYY. The super sized Margarita's did help make me feel like I was floating on cloud 9. I have to share with the Australians who read this blog... This is what real Chips and Salsa looks like. You only get a measly 5 chips at the 'Mexican restaurants' around Melbourne... if you only knew what you were missing!!

Mom had pears to can so she spent a few mornings taking care of that. I did little to help, but did take some photos because I've decided it is really cool that she cans fresh fruit and jams annually. Nanette was taking some notes because she adopted a canner from Grandma's collection in the basement.

We went to a Cougar football game down in Pullman. It was a great family outing and I ran into an old college friend who just returned to the States from living in China for the past two years. It was great to catch up with him a little and hear about his adjustment to being back. He sounded so incredibly happy. The Cougs stomped on the neighboring University of Idaho Vandals, which always feels good.

On the following Wednesday, I drove back over to Bothell to spend some more time with the Yate's and hold that darn baby for awhile longer. I have to say that the drive from Eastern Washington to Western Washington has got to be, still to this day, one of my favorite things. There is so much diversity in the landscape as you make the 4 hour drive. I fell in love with Washington all over again on this journey. Some things you just take for granted when you can do them anytime. This time away has really brought back the pleasure in the small things.

I got to pick Lena up from preschool and play tea party for hours. We met up with some of the mommy friends and I got to catch up with all of them. Friday I went into Bellevue for lunch and hanging out with old co-workers from Symetra. It was so weird to walk around Bellevue and recognize people left and right. I have been so isolated for so long, I forgot what it was like to recognize people... Time went incredibly fast and I didn't get to catch up with everyone I meant to in the short afternoon.

Over the weekend I spent time with my girlfriend Kristy and saw her fabulous new 'farm house' that needs LOTS of work but will be a great place when time and money allows them to fix it up. :) I am so happy for her! Then she hosted a little BBQ and all the remaining Seattle girls came down for brats and drinks. It was so great to see everyone, but still not near enough time to get caught up. I went back up to my other cousins place on Monday and got to see their new house and hang out with their kids too. I told them lots of stories about water restrictions and other lifestyle adjustments I've had since moving to Australia. Their oldest daughter Sydney thought some of my stories were pretty cool so she put them in her journal at school. We had a great family dinner and then off I flew to Honolulu. I am back spending more time with Nicole and Leigh and even got to do some sun bathing this time! Wahoo!

After an incident with a flat tire and a day of snorkeling in Shark's Cove, I headed back to the airport to fly direct to Melbourne. I hear rumor the weather is getting nicer and I am looking forward to some warm sunny days when I get down there. It was a little humid there with 71% humidity, but there was some rain the other day that helped break the heat!

I'll got back on Tuesday, a little tired, but not jet lagged. I am so looking forward to not living out of a suitcase. Speaking of suitcases, I had one that is FULL of food from the states. Everything from Hot Tamales to Crisco and peanut butter chips. :) Let the baking begin...

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