Sunday, June 29, 2008

How the trip home really went...

Well, thanks to a great friend living in Hawaii, I haven't had to do a straight through trip in a long time... so I was a little taken aback when I had my first real bout with Jet Lag in years... I started out fine. I thought, I've hardly slept on the plane, I've stayed up until midnight catching up with Rob & Monica... I should sleep like a rock tonight... But OH NO... 3:30am rolls around and I am wide awake. So I kill some time, stay awake until past 11pm the next night and think "Surely, I'll sleep through the night." I was so excited when I woke up at Mykel and Eric's house after watching Sydney's Pirate performance (and it was an excellent performance I might add) the night before and it was DAYLIGHT! Yes! Mission accomplished... I managed to sleep in... but no. I forget, that in the lovely state of Washington, hovering around 49 degrees north, gets nice long daylight hours in summer. I guess the chilly, grey weather let me forget that the sun rises around 5:15 that time of the year... That's right... it was only 5:40am. Bugger!

But, it turned out well, after a morning of distracting the kids from getting ready for school and then a quick 30 minute run, I went to Bellevue to catch up with my Symetra Peeps. It was a great time and I was so glad to see people, but I ran short on time and had to arrange to come back after my visit in Spokane. Friday night was Kristy's 30th birthday party and it was sooo great to see all the girls, even Hallie, fresh from her long journey from London (she too had multiple travel issues and no sleep for about 28 hours). But the excitement of the event and reunion kept us all going. :)

Hallie, with her fresh Jet Lag and I decided it would be best if we shared a room that night to keep from disturbing the others when we woke at 3:40am... It turns out that 6+ months of separation from each other made for early morning giggling and we woke up half the house anyway... but I think we made up for it by sneaking out to pick up some fresh bakery goodies from the Columbia City Bakery down the street and cheerfully getting our name on the 'list' for breakie at Geraldine's cafe. With the large group, it took awhile to get us all a table. After breakfast, we had some down time and then I was off to Spokane to visit the 'rents for a few days.

While in Spokane, not only did I get to see Grandma-who is doing very well-but caught up with an old school chum, Jera. It was great to catch up with her, meet her husband and see that she has settled into a nice life for herself back in Cheney. I also managed to squeeze some time out of Nicole, who had lots to do while she was in Spokane and meet up with our old friend Damian. We got a tour of his very lovely house on the South hill and had some quality time just the three of us. I was very pleased to catch up with him as he, Nicole and I spent a lot of time together back at Wazzu. I did spend a better part of my time in Spokane sleeping off the tail end of my head cold, battling the last of my jet lag and of course meeting Mom and Dad's new horse... His name is Casey and he is a beautiful sorrel with a nice white blaze and 3 out of 4 white feet. Nanette and I were able to sneak off to do a little shopping and sister bonding time over the new Indiana Jones movie. Good flick! I also got to catch up with my friend Matthew, who believe it or not, has a beautiful little girl who was absolutely the spitting image of him and quite a bright little thing with plenty of attitude... so nice to see that justice was being repaid to Matt as he was quite the trouble maker as a kid himself. :)

Back to Seattle for the big wedding. But first, some quality time with some of the girls when we went to Spa Del Lago for a group pedicure. Yeah! such pretty toes... Then we checked into our hotel, had a little madness coordinating pick ups and balloons for the big event and then off to the wedding of the summer(or winter if you're an Aussie).

The wedding was in a community hall in south Seattle with a beautiful great room and a large room upstairs that would be the playroom for the kids as the night progressed. Kristy looked absolutely gorgeous with here white halter-neck gown and Adam looked handsome as ever. A testament to Kristy in that there were people from all over the world as well as all over the country that came to her lovely affair. The food was delicious and with a lot of variety, plus the most succulent strawberry's one has ever tasted. And what better to go with them than a nice glass of bubbly to toast to the bride and groom! Yummy! After a night of dancing, laughing, story telling and photo-booth action, Nicole, Ally and I headed back to our hotel after dropping the fine miss Abby off at her place.

The next morning was a great little breakie event at Julia's in Wallingford (a place popular with us girls when we all lived so close). Mr. Tim Botz did a stand up job of being the only male to attend and he even had some lovely patriarchal things to say. :) It was so great to have Julie R, Emi-Bo and the rest of the clan there!

Later, Nicole and I spent the afternoon lounging at Nordstroms and shoe shopping before she headed off to the airport. I got to spend the next few days recuperating and spending some quality time with Bazin! before jetting off at 1 in the morning to return to Aussie land. All in all it was such a fabulous trip and it was so great to see everyone, have some one on one time and catch the worst cold in a decade... yes, that is right, I got to return to Australia with Abby or Ally's cold-maybe even a combination of them both! Luckily, I just took several days to rest up once I returned here and slept a lot.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Backwards and Forwards...

Wouldn't you know it, but by taking the first flight out of Melbourne's smaller, regional airport (Avalon) I made a very BIG mistake! The flight was delayed coming in from Sydney and therefore delayed 45 minutes to get out of Melbourne. I only had originally about an hour and a half in Sydney to gather my bags, transfer to the International airport and get checked in, through immigration and on through security. This was drastically cut in half by the 'small' delay getting out of Melbourne. Little did I realize, how being the second to last person to check in for an international flight on a 'new to me' airline would be sooo stinking complicated. I had spent the previous weekend trying to desperately recover from a head cold so that traveling wouldn't be too painful and then had to run through airports, catch a train and find a check in counter for China Airlines. Luckily for me, the counter was still open and I got my bag checked and off to immigration I go. Once I got there, however, another kink occurred. The agent simply said that my boarding pass-or at least what I THOUGHT was my boarding pass-wouldn't work. Pointing at the ticket he said I had to go back. I couldn't work out why because it clearly said my flight number and Sydney to Taipei (which was right as far as I knew) looking at the other things the ticket agent had provided me, I saw that I had a boarding pass for Taipei to Seattle (phew-that was a relief) and my baggage claim. That was all he handed me. The immigration agent, still pointing at the flight information said "This isn't your boarding pass." here I am thinking, what the hell could it be if it wasn't my boarding pass when he said, "The names don't match!" Crap. What do I do? He said, "You have to go back, love. Just head through those doors there and come back with a new boarding pass." So off I go, running back to the check in counter, where the last person must have checked in because they were quickly closing up the counter and shutting down the computers. As I cam running up, the ticket agent recognized me and I yelled "You gave me the wrong boarding pass!" He gave me a look of confusion and I began waving my boarding pass frantically as I starting coughing and wheezing from my running down the corridors. He had a closer look and said, "Oh, let me call the gate, I've already given the all clear." I ask, "What about my bags? Are the checked through under the wrong name?" He says, "No, they should be fine." "Are you sure?" I really need that bag to go with me to America!" "Yes, I will double check but I think we just picked up the wrong boarding pass when you were here before." Sure enough, my bag was checked in fine and in the mean time the agent gave me an exit row seat and escorted me all the way through Immigration to Security and then all the way to the gate! Luckily, they were still boarding as I approached the gate and I wasn't even the last one on the plane! Thank goodness for that! After all the excitement it took a moment for me to realize that the flight wasn't full and I had the whole exit row to myself! Woohoooo!!

Now, I can go into a detailed account of the rest of my 21 hour journey... but I think the exciting part is over, but I will give you a few fast facts regarding the journey...
  • 7 Movies were watched
    • Charlie Wilson's War, Dan in Real Life, How She Moves, I Could Never Be Your Woman, I'm Not There, Bucket List and Enchanted.
  • Food from Sydney to Taipei was okay, food from Taipei to Seattle... I little too authentic for my westernized tastes.
  • No sleep-too excited about the impending visit
Oh... and by the way... I have Small World Syndrome (SWS). If you haven't heard of this amazing disease... you clearly haven't tried to move to another country and/or have not travelled enough. I never thought I would be one to come down with this particular disease... I mean, I am a bit of a home-body when it comes to certain things and I also didn't really start to travel until my late 20's... but here is why I officially declare I have SWS.
  • Moved to another country to find that I now live in the same city as someone I knew through Junior High and High School... who by the way, I also ran into in Canada on an annual ski trip with my girls.
  • Fly through Taipei to save a few hundred bucks and lo and behold, there is an ex-coworker taking the same flight to Seattle...
I know, there is only two bullet points, but seriously...I think they are very significant points. Anyway, it was enough to make it official in my mind.

How many of you have SWS? I'd love to hear your story on when you discovered it or how you contracted it!

That's all for now!
Ciao! or shall I say...zàijiàn

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

A 2 in the morning phone call

Nothing stops your heart like a phone ringing at 2am. Nothing can alleviate the sense of panic as you shoot up in bed and your heart starts to pound inside your head. Nothing can change the mind as it races to find alternative reasons for the phone to be ringing so early in the morning. Yes. This is perfect. My friend Hallie in London has no idea what time it is here and is calling for a jolly chat. Yes. That has to be. But no. The voice that comes softly across the sea is that of a family member. And the heart stops again. The tears come immediately. What can you do. All you can do is ask. "What's up?"

And then the words that you don't want to hear come across the line. Again, your brain races to find a way that you heard it wrong. Really, she said that Grandpa is fine and out of hospital. The single most painful thing of my life happened that night. Being so far away. Not being able to do anything. Feeling so isolated and alone. Not having anyone that knew and loved your Grandfather to the degree that you did near enough to reach out to and share the pain. Nothing can make that pain go away, but someone can help ease the pain. Take on some of the pain onto their own shoulders and let you cry through the sorrow and the emptiness. Be there for you to lean on. There to bring you fresh squeezed juice in the morning. There to offer you a plane ride home. Thank you Matthew for just being.

That amazing place they call Tassie

I have to say for the record that if you are going to come to Australia, you must go to Tasmania. I think it is one of those places people cut out rather quickly because they think it is just a tad too far, or a tad too small or just not quite as exciting as say the Gold Coast or the Great Barrier Reef, but I will tell you now... it has been BY FAR my favorite place to visit in Australia. Now, as you've read before, I have had some pretty grand adventures down here and I don't want to cut down any of the places I have been before, but I just want to say that ten fold, this little island that so easily gets over looked was absolutely fabulous. Let me tell you a little bit about why. But forewarned, I do not take any responsibility for future expenditures on your part to ensure travel to this great destination... You are completely responsible for your own actions and any planning or travel expenses you may incur are completely on your shoulders! :)

Now that the legalities are done with, let me start with Launceston. This is a quaint little town with all the 'big city' department stores and services... yet somehow... it managed to feel like home-small, easy to navigate and incredibly friendly. The city center was old brick 3 to 5 story buildings with classic facades and wide streets and sidewalks. It actually felt like going down one of the 'blank' movie sets at Universal Studios, just waiting for the next feature film to add their signatures to the blank canvas of buildings and film a great blockbuster movie set in the gold rush era, world war I, or even small town America in the 80's or 90's. The sidewalks aren't covered in advertising and you don't have that overwhelming feeling of commercialism as you walk down the streets. This was a great start to our 2 week adventure! We had a good look around at Lonnie (as the locals call it) and discovered the Cataract Gorge and First Basin. What a great little retreat and so close to the city center! There is a free public pool with a wading section and a deeper lap section, all set in a nice little protected basin with a natural fresh water reservoir with rocks to jump from, a tea house with a peaceful garden gazebo and short little walks you can take. If the day is too hot, you can always just jump in the water, pool or lake to cool off! One of the best parts of Launceston was our shopping experience. We were browsing through Myers, which is of very similar quality and style as Macy's/The Bon Marche, and we had endless staff looking after us and asking if we needed any help. I'll admit, that it was Easter Sunday and the shop was virtually empty, but the staff was so friendly and very helpful when I lost Matt and couldn't find him in the Men's department. Luckily he is tall and I was able track him down!

Next stop was Devonport. From here we were planning on trying to get to the famous Cradle Mountain, but unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate. Not that it was really that bad, but because of the elevation and the quickly changing weather in the region, we opted instead to go for a walk at Narawyntapu National Park. Here there was a good 4 hour walk up to Archer's Knob and along the way we saw plenty of Pademelons and great coastal wet land scenery. There is a very shallow lake that normally would be chock full of birds, but unfortunately, due to recent drought conditions, it was virtually dry. Still the walk was refreshing and we had a great time climbing up the knob for a great view of the inlet and an endless deserted beach. From here we went to Mole Creek to check out the Karst National Park Caves. The one hour tour was informative, friendly and I saw Glow Worms for the first time that I remember... though I have been on cave tours when I was younger, and there was probably Glow Worms then... I just don't remember them, at least not to the degree we saw at these caves. Anyway, it was a great way to spend a drizzly, cold day and we also went on a short excursion to Alum Cliffs. This was a short ten minute walk along a ridge that ended with a grand view of sacred Aboriginal Red Ochre cliffs and a stunning drop off to a river below. Very much worth the detour! And the picture can't even come close to doing it justice..

Next we headed south to Hobart. Hobart was not on either of our lists as a must see because we both felt that it might be a bit drab and just like every other city. But both of us were pleasantly surprised. Other than the awkward one way streets that you could easily learn to deal with over time, it was actually quite nice.

We had a short time in Hobart, but I feel we made the best of it. We first stopped at the Department of Immigration so that I could legally remain in the country since my Visa was about to expire. Then we checked into our little hotel off of Sandy Bay Road which was a very short walking distance to the Casino... Hey hey... my family favorite! So Matt and I had a walk to the casino for some cheap and HUGE eats. Then we watched a little Texas Hold 'Em and then wondered back to our room. The next morning was an early rise so that we could scale Mt Wellington. It was a steep climb, but well worth the view. As we approached the top, there was some pockets of snow that had fallen the night before, but hadn't melted off yet. brrrrrr. it was cold, but still very much worth the view! We walked back down the lovely mountain under the Organ Pipes which are the columns of dolerite that are visible from the city. Quite precarious how they are all balanced carefully. This is of course the part of our adventure where I learn that Matt's favorite plants is the bottle bush. I had no idea this was the case until this trip and now I notice the firery red flowering bush every where we go. It is a native plant and doesn't have any fragrance, but still, it is quite pretty.

On Saturday morning, we wandered around the Salamanca Markets near the water front and enjoyed some live Peruvian music while watching the market goers scramble for cover when a light shower passed through. From Hobart we headed east and then south to the Tasman peninsula where the world famous site of Port Arthur is located. Staying at Eagle Hawk Neck we were just across the dog line from where one of the worlds most famous gaol (jail) was located. Thousands of prisoners were shipped to "Van Diemans" land to serve out their sentences.

Before heading to the historic site, Matt and I took the Sealife Experience eco tour. This was a fun 4 hour adventure on an open boat with a guide and the driver pointing out the endless wonders of the sea. I think I was the only person to deny taking sea sick tablets... don't worry, I didn't live to regret it, my tummy handled the rough seas just fine. :) We explored the Tasman Peninsula from the water including Tasman's Arch, Devil's Kitchen, Waterfall Bay, the Totem Poll and Cape Hauy, Cape Pillar and Tasman Island. They stopped over in a private little cove for some local cheese, wine and dips. The cove was beautiful and very picturesque. The boat had an underwater camera that they would put down every so often so we could see what creatures and plant life were hiding beneath the surface. It really is a whole nother world under the shallows. At Tasman Island, we saw hundreds of Australian Fur Seals. These males come from the warmer northern waters while the females stay up along the Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast feasting and raising their pups. The males make the short trek to the north for breeding season and then come back down to the cooler waters to live it up in their bachelor pad. It really did smell like a bachelor pad too... the rocks are stained white from the birds and the seals. Pee-Yew!! Because I had the camera, I was up moving from side to side on the boat near where the bow had some protection glass, while Matt stayed seated towards the back where the sides were open. Even though the pictures don't really show how rough the waters were that day, we did have a pretty rough day on the water, with really gusty winds and some pretty choppy waves. Unfortunately for Matthew, he got a big spray of sea water that cleared the rest of the folks out of their seats, and Matt just stayed there and got drenched... He never once complained about getting wet, though he did complain about me taking a picture of him afterwards... :)

Overall, the tour was worth every penny. Just hope for slightly better weather, though I think it kept the numbers down and we only had 10 people on the tour with us... made it very easy to move around the boat and get great pictures without having to jostle around everyone else.

After the tour we headed to Port Arthur. It was a very ponderous place to visit. The landscape is so beautiful now, but as you enter the site you are given a playing card with an actual prisoner who was sent to Van Diemans Land to serve their sentence. You then follow the path of this prisoners life as he arrived at Port Arthur and learn what their conviction was, what tasks were assigned to them to carry out and what their living conditions were, what they ate, where the slept, etc. As you follow their path you learn about their chance of survival and if they had families back in England. It gets very serious as you find that your prisoner, your Ace of Spades, dies after serving only 8 years of their life sentence from a disease the runs rampant through the gaol. Also, the tragic story from 1996 when a single man killed 35 people in and around Port Arthur, still lingers in the air. The Cafe where he did most of the killing, has been converted to an area for quiet reflection in very good taste. Fortunately, authorities were able to capture and convict the murderer. This is the leading cause to the incredibly strict gun laws here in Australia. I found that most Aussies who remember the event were so deeply affected that 12 years later, they still will not talk about that day. As an outsider looking in, it is a very tragic story and my heart goes out to not only the victims and their families from that day, but to the people of this country that have been so affected by its occurrence.

After the Eco Tour and Port Arthur, we did some serious hiking at Cape Raol and Cape Hauy. Both hikes were fairly long and had some good climbing stints in them, but were definitely worth it. The views and seascapes we enjoyed can't be done justice by my humble writing skills and even the camera fails to take in the true grandeur of these places. At Cape Raol, the cliffs of dolerite columns and wind protective scrub brush were the hightlights of the day. Cape Hauy, besides seeing the Totem Pole from above, had the added bonus of my first live look at an Echidna. He/She really had no interest in us what-so-ever and just went about it's scrounging the cracks of rocks for bugs to eat. After my initial startle (I had no idea what it was at first!) it was quite interesting to watch the little forager dig and snuff his way around. His feet look like they are attached backwards (the back feet that is) and watching him dig under the rocks it makes perfect sense why his feet would be attached backwards... but you have to see it in action to really appreciate it.

Anyway, we spent the next week driving our way up the east coast stopping along the way to catch some awesome views. We did a short hike at Wineglass Bay in the Freycinet National Park. I thought the view was pretty good and that the area was really nice, but Matt had such high expectations (Wineglass Bay is the most photographed place in Tasmania, plus one of the biggest 'advertising' stints Tourism Tasmania promote) from seeing and hearing about it so much, he couldn't help but be a little disappointed. Besides, it was the first time that we really had to 'share' our space with other tourists. We had done some really cool hikes so far only seeing one or two other groups of people that this hike up to the lookout seemed a little like the start of a big race where people are jostling all around and getting themselves all hyped up. Okay, it wasn't really that crowded, but after the space and emptiness we had been experiencing it did feel a little overwhelming to be surrounded by people again... But, I thought it was beautiful and I enjoyed the hike. We came back via Hazards Beach and this was a little more remote and empty so Matt settled down pretty well after we left the hustle and bustle of the Wineglass Bay side. Threatening clouds began moving in so we did have to hustle a little bit to get back to the car before a storm rolled in. Luckily, we escaped with only a few drops of rain. Nothing too bad. We stayed at a nice little Bed & Breakfast, self-contained cottage, in Bicheno. It was really quaint and lovely, except for the little black scorpion that I found in the blanket I was using to cuddle up before we watched a movie... It made me jump straight up and stand on a chair until Matt trapped it with some paper and an upside down glass and 'removed' the critter to the great outdoors... I had a hard time sleeping after that and had to strip apart my bed looking for hiding scorpions in the covers before going to sleep for the night. From Bicheno, we travelled to a little known Douglas-Apsley National Park. This park is filled with boulder lined rivers and crystal clear blue green waterholes. We didn't spend much time here, as a recent fire had caused some trail closures, but the little bit we saw, definitely put Douglas-Apsley on our most do next time list! We then headed to St Helen's after stopping off at St Columba Falls and Ralph Falls. We also visited the largest White Gum Tree as we stopped off for a cool visit to the White Knights in Evercreech National Park. These tall trees were bravely saved from deforestation by a forester who was well beyond his time in conservation methods. He noticed the trees and thought them strangely tall, but had to do some serious investigation to confirm that they were unusually tall for their breed. Luckily, he was able to protect them from the loggers and now the area is natural rain forest pocket surrounded by working state land that is farmed regularly for wood and paper production. Matt and I had a very interesting time navigating to these areas because the maps of this region aren't very up to date or accurate as constant logging changes the routes of travel often. Luckily, my sense of direction and magnetic field in my head was able to help us reach our destinations. At St. Helens we finally got some beach time. We had one almost nice day where the sun was trying really hard to warm things up for us, but my Seattle/Spokane bones said it was warm enough and we spent a day lazing in the sun on the whitest sand I have ever seen. We even braved the water for a little while, though it was cold when we got out as there was a strong breeze coming off the water!

On our last day we drove to Leggs Tor which is the second highest peak in Tasmania and did a wet, cold hike up to the peak. From there we could see the ski lifts for the snow fields (ski resorts) and then we hurried back down to the car as we had to get our way back to Launceston, find a gas station and get to the airport before our early evening flight. Overall, it was a fantastic trip and I can't express enough how, in all our adventures, barely scratched the surface of things to discover in Tasmania. We, for one, didn't even make it to the West Coast side, where the mining history is deep and there is a whole corner of this island state that is only accessible by hiking in and camping overnight. Also, we would like to head towards Cradle Mountain region and some of the little islands off the coast line that are nature preserves to see some of the avian wildlife. So, like I disclosed before, don't try and come after me for financial reimbursement when you decide to travel to Tasmania and it costs you a pretty penny (based on current fuel prices-this is most likely to occur!)... You can just live vicariously through me and my mini-adventure... but it is too hard to do justice to all that little island state has to offer... it is truly a place one must see to believe. Sorry this post took me so long to get up and online. I've been working on it for months, so I hope it was worth the wait!
Ciao, Alison

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

A pet Gecko... You must keep these in the laundry!

So I don't know if I've put anything in this blog in the past about the bugs/creatures here in Australia... but I'll tell you one thing... there are A LOT of them! Matt is a bit of a conservationist when it comes to life... insect life. The rule of the house is that we can only kill cockroaches and a certain spider that I can't even remember. Everything else must "be removed from the premises with as little disruption as possible". Right. Let's just think about this for a minute... I don't mind bugs when they are outside. I don't mind giving them space and letting them live their lives... I even understand if they feel threatened that they have a need to protect themselves by biting or stinging me as a the threatening human...but in MY HOUSE... it is fair game to me. I should be able to squish or spray or drown something if it is in my space... So, when Matt isn't home--or not in the room--that is exactly what I do... but there are some things that I can't even look at much less aim at and destroy... like cock roaches. They have got to be the most awful looking creatures to me... THANK GOODNESS Matt lets me kill them with spray... but still, early in the morning when they are lurking in a dark corner somewhere--it can be very hard to not scream out and wake the whole neighborhood--much less Matt, the world's lightest sleeper. I have conquered this fear and just recently, as I was about to step into the shower early on a Sunday morning, I managed to calmly spray a big-'ole CR and watch it go all nuts--all this without squealing or yelling or even waking up Matt. I was very proud of myself. In fact, I showed Matt the result of my conquest as soon as he was awake!

One day, Matt picked me up at the train station as I was coming home from a night out with good friends and apparently just before he left, he noticed Maize (his cat) playing with something in the courtyard. When we got home from the station, Matt went outside to investigate. He found that Maize had been playing with a little gecko. And now the sugar ants (the same ones that have been plaguing our house-living in our garbage bin-and cleaning out under the oven door (you know the crack that you can't ever clean because it is so tiny, but still catches everything!) have been attacking the poor thing. It was still alive so Matt picked off all the ants, found a shoe box and spent then next 5 days trying to resuscitate the poor thing. I allowed the shoe box to be in the laundry room, but would not allow it any further into the house. We determined that it had broken back legs and probably had internal injuries as well, but still every night Matt came home from work and caught flies, moths and bugs to feed to the gecko. Finally Matt decided there was nothing else he could do for the little fella so let him go in the courtyard. In a flash, he had scurried off under the bushes never to be seen again.

We had a month where we were under attack by the little sugar ants. They were everywhere! I had done some clearing in the courtyard, so I don't know if I disturbed them or if the drought was what drove them into the house searching for water, sugar and protein. Matt apparently has spent years studying these ants and has figured out their patterns, what draws them in, how they operate and has coined the phrase "random search mode." This being there is a select set of ants are sent out each day to search for food and water. When they find a source they head back to the ranch (nest, hill-whatever!) and tell the others. These worker ants then follow the trail left by the searcher back to the source. In droves, they come to break off bits and pieces of the food or drink the water to carry back to the hill. Once the source is used up or the trail lost, then the searcher ants return to "random search mode' and start all over again. Well, needless to say, they were relentless at finding any meat crumbs, sugary bits or pools of water they could find and cleaned us out, so to speak. I spent weeks trying to find anything they might possibly be interested in our kitchen and tossing them or sealing them. The honey now lives in a Ziploc bag because you all know it is impossible to remove every last drop of honey from the cap--etc. Finally they have left us and I still see the colony in the courtyard, but they have quit coming into the house for now.

Anyway, I wish I had thought to take photos of the gecko, but didn't think about it, so here is a photo of Maize the cat... she isn't as mean as she looks-most of the time!



Sunday, January 13, 2008

Summer At Last

So arriving here in early January did allow me to experience a glimmer of summer. Finally. I had personally had about 15 months of winter since making the decision to move to Australia. Trust me, that was not my optimal choice, but with an early winter hitting in 2006 in Bothell and the visa taking much longer than anticipated... I managed to start winter in September of 06, left in lat March of '07 just in time to arrive here in Australia as their winter came into full swing. Luckily winter here is by far much more mild than even Seattle's dark, wet and grime winters. I still was missing daylight that lasted more than 10 hours a day and the warmth of a summer evening, BBQ's and eating ice cream without feeling like putting on the wool socks first!

Also included in the refreshing summer like weather is getting out and doing stuff! Walks, bike rides, and even a little bit of running... just a little bit-no marathon training for me right now! But I have also gotten to do a bit of gardening. Our courtyard is pretty small, but at least now, I've cleaned up and pruned up some of the bushes. We have a nice little gardenia that is loaded with buds that smell amazing.
If we can figure out how to keep the possums out of our gordonia, it just might bloom one of these days! I've also been growing some basil, oregano and lavender in pots. Matt's mum got Maize (Matt's cat) some cat grass and cat mint to entertain her. I had to split the cat grass into two pots so we can put one out of reach and let it rest while she eats away on the other one.

Hope all is well with everyone!

On The Long Flight Home

Stopovers are a wonderful thing. Especially when you get to check in with a good friend and eat yummy Korean BBQ for the first time! I love seeing my friend Nicole in Honolulu. She is so fun to hang with and is such a good friend. I couldn't ask for a better excuse to break up my flight! We saw the tail end of a Hawaiian sunset from a valley where her and her partner (now fiance!) are looking to buy a home and then headed off for my first experience of Korean BBQ. Gather up your hunger for the week because you can eat for ages at this place! You go pick out your meats, veggies and a few sides and you take it all back to the table to cook it your self. The meats have all been marinating for hours, so they are tender, delicious and moist. The veggies are all freshly chopped and add lots of color to your plate. Plus, there is ice cream... all you can eat ice cream... what more could a girl want???

Who doesn't love heading to the airport early in the morning... and even better, who doesn't love sold out nine hour flights??? I've done this trip too many times to count now and I have to say, I've gotten my routine down pretty well. I am happy to plug in my ears (iPods are truly a wonderful travel companion) pick up a book and before I know it I am landing in another country... but I also don't really like to talk on these flights any more than necessary. Partly because every one of them has been emotional--everything from excitement, nerves, fear, sadness, elation and everything in between, but also because what could you possibly talk about to a complete stranger for 9+ hours? Most of my flights across the big blue pacific have been empty enough to have a spare seat next to me so I often don't even have to think about conversing with strangers or the guy next to me is totally engrossed in the in-flight movie and sleeps like a rock. But this time, this time I got to sit next to Madonna... I know surprising isn't it? And you all thought I was flying Economy... well, actually, I am flying economy and the Madonna sitting next to me had several kids of her own and wasn't trying to adopt any refugee children out of Africa. It turned out she was a retired school teacher heading out on her first overseas adventure alone. Luckily for her, I have all the necessary forms memorized and could help her fill out her information. I did worry though when she told me she was connecting in Sydney to go on to Melbourne... I had a sneaky feeling that she wouldn't know what to do to get through customs and take the transfer bus to the domestic terminal (a nasty fate you have to endure when flying in from Hawaii.) As much as my introverted flight mode hesitated to return conversation with this woman, I found that I actually quite liked talking to her and the flight still went relatively fast. She was quite courteous to me when I indicated it was time for me to try and catch some sleep and let me curl up against the window and doze. She also enjoyed watching the same in-flight movies as me so didn't keep trying to talk during the movie... I helped her collect her bags and navigate through customs, then I helped her find the bus and her gate at the domestic terminal. She was pretty excited and was going to have a good time at the Australian Open tennis tournament which is why she was on this trip. There was someone scheduled to meet her at the airport in Melbourne and as we had different connecting flights I bid her goodbye in Sydney.

I had my own welcoming committed in Melbourne when I landed. Matt had his Mum and sister Kate with him and Matt's brother Paul brought his family along to meet me as well, however, they went to the wrong terminal so ended up meeting us at baggage claim instead. It was quite the reunion. Australian security still allows people to see you off and collect you at the airport properly, not requiring a ticket to get through security for domestic flights. It is very refreshing to see a friendly face when disembark the aircraft instead of the daunting, cold fluorescent walk to baggage claim on your own...

Sorry this post is so delayed--you would think that not being allowed to work would find me posting things all the time, but I just didn't have the motivation to sit at the computer typing away until now when I can't sleep... So--till next time!

The Holiday's at Home

First Holiday up... Thanksgiving. Arriving in style with cousin Monica and her clan of Lena, Nora and Lizzie (the dog they had to get to replace me... Just kidding!). Oh, and I can't forget good 'ole Rob and his seized up back. The guy is normally 6'3" tall but was so bent over that he could hardly get in the Suburban. After a couple of hours of failing to entertain Miss Nora in the back seat, Monica sequestered herself to the duty and I drove the rest of the way. Luckily, we had clear skies and light traffic once we got out of Seattle. With in minutes of being home, I was snacking on the many options strewn about the kitchen. Yummmmmmy!
Nanette's dog Buddy, Mom & Dad's old faithful Bowtie and Lizzie spent the next several hours getting acquainted. Luckily, Bowtie is a Martyr and he kept things pretty reasonable, but Buddy and Lizzie have some growing up to do yet.
Here the three of them are paling around with Sydney and Conner. The next day is the big Turkey day. Mom made all the Thanksgiving standards. Turkey, Spiral Cut Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, Gravy, Steamed Veggies, Jello Salad and Rolls. Aunt Edith brought over a huge fruit salad. It looked like it might topple the table over.
Sydney lead us all in a prayer before the meal and then we all ran like hell to get to our seats first! Gotta get as close to the mashed potatoes as possible... Mykel and I were going to having a little brawl over who got the first dollop.

Luckily, I got to sit at the kids table (no really... I like sitting there, it is where all the good stuff is kept. :)
Everyone else had to sit at the fancy adult table where manners are always on and you are too far away from the punch bowl to get refills on your drink!

I headed back over the mountains with the clan so I could get around in the Seattle area for awhile and try and catch up with friends over there. It's hard around the holiday's because so many people are gone off to see their own families, but I managed to have a few drinks, laughs and catch one of the worst colds I've had since I lived in the cottage. I haven't been that sick in a long time, but I still stayed up late to catch up with Hallie as she was in town from the UK and all the girls got together for some good story time. :) It was so great to see everyone again and to be back on the right side of the road!
Unfortunately, my friend Nicole did have a tragedy in her family, so she was in the area unexpectedly. I was so happy to see her, but sad for her circumstances. She had to fly out of Seattle, so I drove a car back for her to Spokane, but first went to Bellingham to have a visit there. I haven't spent much time IN Bellingham, mostly just passing through, but the town is fabulous and there was 6 inches of snow to greet me. I had a great time catching up with an old friend from High School and then sped off again to go back to the family. Luckily I got over the mountains without too much trouble, because once the snow started coming... it STILL hasn't quit. But it did melt.

There was some severe flooding in Western Washington, several million dollars in damages, not to mention some deaths and I-5 being shut down for the better part of a week. It put some people in some hard places and during the holiday season it is terribly sad. I got home and spent some time with Mom, Dad and Nanette before Christmas.
Nanette and I went to an ice hockey game and the Spokane Chiefs (hockey team) were collecting teddy bears for local area kids in need.

Nanette and I did our part and tossed a poor stuffed bear down to the ice after the Chief's first goal. The beard littering the ice were amazing. They filled 3 full size pickup trucks (and I mean AMERICAN full sized!) with the bears and it delayed the game for a good 20 minutes while the players picked up all the bears. The cabs of the trucks were full, the beds and they were piled up over the tops of the cabs as well. Unbelievable! There were over 3000 bears collected. The Spokane Chiefs Hockey club is part of the Canadian Hockey League in the Western Division. The team has 20 or so players ranging in age from 16 to 19. Believe it or not, most of the kids come down from Canada and are taken in by a local family for the school year. The kids work their tail off hoping to get drafted into the NHL (National Hockey League) someday.

After a beautiful, quiet white Christmas with the family, I flew to Portland to meet up with my good friend Brian. I haven't seen Brian in about 2 years so it was so great to catch up with him at his home in McMinnville.
I got to tour his huge nursery and then we drove up to Seattle on a gorgeous clear sunny day. With a quick stop in Battleground Washington to visit Kristy's parents, and a few detours to find food and restrooms, we made it to Seattle on New Years Eve. We were both a bit daggy after the car ride so we opted to stay in at Miss Kristy's house and we barely made it to 12:01 am. After a Happy New Year wish, we both staggered off to bed. The next couple of days Brian and I played 'tourists in Seattle' and we did several fun things. We had a ferry ride to Bainbridge Island, we went up in the Bank of America Tower, toured the Seattle Public Library Central and even did the Underground Tour of Pioneer Square. We had lots of fun, managed to bump into an old co-worker of mine at where else, but a Starbucks.
We met Kristy and Adam for the movie Juno at The Big Picture. Get this... it is a theater... with cozy comfy 'quiet' seats for 100 people, and while you are waiting for your flick to begin, you can mingle with other guests, have some cocktails or beer and even schedule a drink delivery during the film. It was not only a great movie, but such a great atmosphere to watch a movie. I got my fill of foods I had been craving, friends updates and misty Seattle weather!

We even had a chance to swing by the original starbucks near Pike's Place Market... Busy as usual!

Overall, I had a blast and even spent some time pimping out MySpace pages for Rob and Brian... I feel like a technical genius now... except really, I am not... I just know how to cheat!

