Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fantastic Albany!

What a fabulous little town you have been to us! Three nights, I dare say is the minimum... Wish we could have stayed longer to explore more of your incredible beaches and the local 'ranges'. Just a short drive to the north east from Albany takes you to the Stirling Ranges which is conserved in a sprawling national park. This park is filled with ancient quartzite and quartzofeld spathic schist (say that ten times fast, I dare you!) that is now covered with a layer of native brush that stands about 2 meters high and is consistent thickness and height for all of the ranges. Only on great slabs of open rock are you able to see beyond the brush and catch glimpses of the view as we climbed up Mount Talyuberup. This was a very steep and rocky climb up to the top. We didn't quite make it to the top as it was getting quite warm and going down looked a little bit crazy. Some of us have a dodgy knee that doesn't like going downhill very much!

Mount Talyuberup
 We moved on to the Central lookout and looked back at Mount Talyuberup. It was apparent from this distance just how steep the slope was. From central lookout we could also see the Porongurup Ranges to the south which was our next destination.

View of the Stirling Ranges from Central Lookout
After hours of driving on rough corrugated (washboard) roads, we were thankful to discover most of the Porongurup main road was bitumen (paved).

We finally made it to the one place that Matt has been talking about for at least a week. He simply couldn't wait to get to Castle Rock. After our earlier hike and my interrupted nap in the car, I was pretty knackered (exhausted) and had trouble convincing my legs and leaded feet to move very quickly. Matt however, on his extreme adrenaline rush of excitement was nearly running up the 2 km (1.25 mi) hill. As we approached the end of the trail, there was a great balancing rock. It is MASSIVE! And, appeared ready to topple down the mountain side any moment!

Balancing Rock - Porongurup National Park, W.A.
We then ducked between two giant granite boulders towering above us to discover a sign that offered a simple stroll to check out the view or a scramble over and under some boulders to a higher view point. We of course, did both! 

After the Climb to the top of Castle Rock (behind me) - Porongurup NP, W.A.

Now, I am not really a fan of heights. In fact, I struggle to hang out on Level 39 of my building day in and day out at work. I can look out the window just fine... I just don't do well if I have to look DOWN from the window. So, I was a little bit cautious making my way on the suspended cat walk. But did it all the same!

Castle Rock - Porongurup NP, W.A.

We have now twisted and turned our way to just outside of Wapole. (Population 2800) and are camping at Coalmine Beach for a couple of nights. Tomorrow might be a beach day. If we get an early start we are hoping to catch some great photo opportunities at Green Pools in William Bay National Park. Our other destination whilst here is the Valley of the Giants where some of the tallest and oldest trees around. I will test my height issues one more time it seems. Though this time, Matt has committed to a life long chore of doing dishes and cooking dinners if I climb to the top of one of the fire lookout trees!

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